Specialising in Enterprise Engineering & Assurance
Systems engineering is recommended as a way to reduce system assurance risk on complex projects. So why is assuring the system integration still proving to be so challenging? What if the answer is that not just engineers need to be part of systems engineering?
Our Services
Anutha can help you apply systems engineering methods for assuring successful system integration and design a more functional operating model for your business.
Anutha has courses in systems engineering aimed at leaders and managers, not engineers.
If you don’t see what you need Anutha can develop courses and programs tailored to your context.
Anutha offers assurance coaching services in the rail sector for developing system assurance professionals and non-technical leaders and managers.
“Better be wise by the mistakes of others than by your own”
– Aesop
System and enterprise success depends on exploring well the ways others have failed and ways we might fail, to find them sooner, then devising and executing a risk management plan to avoid them.
Get in Touch
We want to hear from you. Curious and just want to ask a question, want to find out if we can help you, an employee, your team or your business then please contact us.